are affiliate links allowed on pinterest

Pinterest is an incredibly powerful social media platform. It’s easy to use, and it encourages users to share the things they love. It’s also a huge source of traffic for many websites. But you won’t be able to use this power unless your posts follow the rules set out by Pinterest itself. One of these rules is that affiliate links are not allowed in pin descriptions. In this article we’ll take a look at what exactly this means for anyone who wants to use affiliate links on their pinterest boards or blog posts.

Affiliate links are not allowed on Pinterest

As you probably know, affiliate links are not allowed on Pinterest. The site wants to keep the user experience pure and clean, so it’s against their terms of service to include affiliate links in pin descriptions. It’s important to note that they do want you to add a price to your pin images though!

Pinterest wants to keep the user experience pure and clean.

Pinterest wants to keep the user experience pure and clean. In addition, they want to make sure that users are not exposed to affiliate links in pin descriptions.

It is against their terms of service to include affiliate links in pin descriptions.

  • It’s against their terms of service to include affiliate links in pin descriptions.
  • Pinterest wants to keep the user experience pure and clean. They do not want to be seen as endorsing products or services, and they want to stay away from any legal issues.

In addition, Pinterest is a visual platform that works best when users can easily find what they are looking for without needing any text or other links within a pin description.

They do want you to add a price to your pin images though.

Affiliate links are not allowed in pin descriptions, and if you want to add an affiliate link, Pinterest will let you do so via a blog post pinned to your profile.

Affiliate links can be added to blog posts that are pinned, if they are contained in a no-index page.

  • Affiliate links can be added to blog posts that are pinned, if the link is contained in a no-index page.

This is not a recommended practice, but it’s not against pinterest’s rules either. Although you can add affiliate links to your blog posts and pin them on pinterest, you should be aware that this could result in lower engagement rates for your pins. If you want to learn more about how we determine which links are eligible for monetization, check out our guide here!

Pin descriptions should not contain affiliate links

If you want to use an affiliate link in your pin description, you’ll have to pin it to a blog post. Affiliate links are not allowed in pin descriptions on Pinterest.


Affiliate links are allowed on Pinterest, but they must be contained in a no-index page that can only be accessed when a user clicks on the pin. You can also add price information to your images if you want.

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