can i do affiliate marketing on quora

I’m new to affiliate marketing but I’m hoping to connect with people and learn from them since it’s not as straightforward as Google and other search engines. Hello! I recently started running ads for my company, but i feel like the knowledge im getting out of it isnt great, we have a good amount of impressions, but the CPM is pretty low. Have you tried directing quora readers to your blog where they can read your content and be exposed to your affiliate links? And then have pop ups or lead magnets on your site that capture emails so you can do email marketing later?

Promoting affiliate links is a violation of the Quora Terms of Service and is not allowed on Quora.

  • Promoting affiliate links is a violation of the Quora Terms of Service and is not allowed on Quora.
  • Offering to promote your own or someone else’s products, services, or content in exchange for compensation (whether monetary or otherwise) is also prohibited by our Terms of Service.
  • For more information about what you can’t do when using this site, please see our User Agreement and Content Policy

You should not post any affiliate links in questions, answers, comments, or topics.

You should not post any affiliate links in questions, answers, comments, or topics. You must disclose the affiliate nature of your links in the answer or comment containing the link, including that it is an affiliate link.

You must disclose the affiliate nature of your links in the answer or comment containing the link, including that it is an affiliate link.

  • In the answer or comment containing the link, include your disclosure. You must disclose the affiliate nature of your links in the answer or comment containing the link, including that it is an affiliate link.
  • Include information about what you are promoting. If you are promoting a product or service on Quora, do not make it difficult for people to find this information by using proper capitalization and punctuation (for example: “I am an affiliate for [Company Name].”).
  • Use shortened URLs whenever possible. To shorten URLs with Bitly, simply paste any URL into their website and click “Shorten!” This will generate a shortened version of any given domain name which can be easily shared through social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook etc…

Affiliate marketing is not allowed on quora

While you can use the platform to promote your affiliate product, it’s not allowed in questions, answers, comments and topics. So if you want to advertise your own products on Quora then make sure that they are not subject to any of these types of content.

For instance a question with an affiliate link in it isn’t allowed because Quora users may click on it and end up buying something they don’t want or need. You also won’t be able to write an answer containing such links without disclosing their nature as affiliates.

I’m new to affiliate marketing but I’m hoping to connect with people and learn from them since it’s not as straightforward as Google and other search engines.

One of the best ways to learn is by listening to other people’s experiences. You’ll be able to learn from the mistakes of others and the successes of others. You can also learn from the failures of others, so you can avoid making those same mistakes yourself. The experience of others is invaluable when it comes to making your own decisions in life and learning how to do something successfully.

Hello! I recently started running ads for my company, but i feel like the knowledge im getting out of it isnt great, we have a good amount of impressions, but the CPM is pretty low.

Hi! I recently started running ads for my company, but i feel like the knowledge im getting out of it isnt great, we have a good amount of impressions, but the CPM is pretty low.

If you’re interested in affiliate marketing or want to get into it, here are some quick tips:

  • Competition in this space is high so you need to have a good offer. You can’t just say “hey buy my product!” because there will be 100 other people saying that too. You need to be able to differentiate yourself by having better features or price points than your competitors – otherwise people won’t choose your product over theirs!
  • What audience are you trying to reach? Are they on Twitter? Facebook? Instagram? Pinterest? Forums such as Reddit or Quora might be better places where users from those platforms hang out; whereas if someone has an account on LinkedIn with no bio filled out then chances are they don’t know much about themselves yet so targeting them could yield poor results (although it may still be worth doing). Finally if someone’s only ever been on LinkedIn before today then this means that their account isn’t fully activated yet – which means their likelihood of converting would also be lower than usual!

Have you tried directing quora readers to your blog where they can read your content and be exposed to your affiliate links? And then have pop ups or lead magnets on your site that capture emails so you can do email marketing later?

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Just use it as another platform to reach customers and build trust

You can use Quora to connect with people who are interested in your niche, and it’s a great way to build trust.

Just like other platforms, Quora can be used as a tool to reach new customers and attract new clients. The key is knowing how it works and how you can use its benefits to your advantage.


I hope this was helpful! If you have any further questions please feel free to ask in the comments below.

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